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How I Used Truth - Lesson 9 - Annotation 9

How I Used Truth - Lesson 9 - Annotation 9

Show how we may use the words "Let there be" as our "spoken 
word" to bring forth some demonstration of good in mind, body,
 or affairs.

9. We are of the same nature as our Father-God and must therefore follow the same method in bringing forth our world, or any demonstration in mind, body, or affairs. God as Spirit moved upon the unformed substance. After each declaration of "Let there be" there followed a specific creation such as light, a firmament, and so forth. (See How I Used Truth Lesson 9 Annotation 2.)

We are instructed in the text (How I Used Truth 93) to speak "into this formless substance all about us with faith and power." It is not necessary that we say the exact words, "Let there be thus and so," when we are trying to demonstrate. No matter how our "spoken word" may be phrased it must embody the divine idea and be decreed with authority in order to bring forth into visibility some desired good. Such authority rests in us as sons of God. Any affirmation of Truth that "speaks" into substance, in order to demonstrate health, success, harmony, and abundance, is in effect saying, "Let there be health in my body, and success, harmony, and abundance in my affairs." If our affirmation does not express faith and power, it does not really convey the true "Let there be" that God used to create.

The text reminds us on page 94 to let go of the words after repeating them for a time, then to speak the statement at regular intervals (How I Used Truth 94). We will know by inner prompting when we may cease using the statement altogether. Thus we will avoid the danger of holding just to the words and not allowing the ideas embodied in the words to do their work. (See How I Used Truth Lesson 8 Annotation 1.)

Our Scripture says, "Take with you words, and return unto Jehovah" (Hos. 14:2). This is saying in effect, "Speak your word 'Let there be' for whatever good you desire, but take the words beyond the intellectual plane into prayer so that God may fill them with His power to accomplish." How I Used Truth Lesson 8 Annotation 4 dealt with our responsibility to "speak the word" "and God’s responsibility to honor our word. Whatever our individual needs may be, it lies within our power to speak the word of authority, "Let there be," so that God may honor our word by bringing the fulfillment. If we have need of healing of the body we can say (in these or similar words), "Let there be God's life and wholeness expressing throughout my body." If there is a need for more manifest substance, then we can say in effect, "Let there be abundance of good in my life." Our use of the words "Let there be" or any similar thought constitutes the opening of our consciousness to the abundance that is ours by divine right for mind, body, and affairs. We are not making a command to something outside ourselves. Nor are we seeking something we do not already have as an idea. We are accepting in consciousness the ideas of the spiritual realm that are always present within us, and taking the responsibility for making them manifest in the physical realm.

There may be a great desire in our heart for more understanding of God and of our relationship to Him. We may then speak our word, "Let there be understanding revealed to me." However, if we have the desire yet doubt its fulfillment, our "spoken word" will not have the conviction of faith. If in faith we turn in prayer to God and say, "Father, I give thanks that Thy wisdom and understanding now illumine my consciousness," we are assured of fulfillment. The words of themselves are not important; it is the meaning back of the words that represents the true "spoken word." When in faith and power we call upon God for any phase of good, we may rest in the assurance that it will be forthcoming.

"Yea, if thou cry after discernment,
And lift up thy voice for understanding;
If thou seek her as silver.
And search for her as for hid treasures:
Then shalt thou understand the fear of Jehovah,
And find the knowledge of God" (Prov. 2:3-5).

Preceding Entry: Why is it vital for us to center our attention on God?
Following Entry: What part does faith play in the process of bringing good into manifestation in our life? What other conditions should be observed for perfect results?