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Lessons In Truth - Lesson 5 - Annotation 10

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 5 - Annotation 10

Will Principle always work in the solving of life's problems?

10. Yes, Principle (God) always works in the solution of the problems we face in life. God as Principle, Divine Mind, contains all the essential elements or ideas, and He is the law that governs the action of these ideas.

In working out mathematical problems the student must use the principle of mathematics in the right way in order to arrive at the correct answer or solution. So we must turn to God, the Principle of life and use His laws to solve the problems that confront us. Thus we can carry out the divine plan for our life.

"In the beginning God" (Gen. 1:1) that is, at the very source or core of our being, Spirit resides. The movement of Spirit is an expanding or unfolding process. "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" (Gen. 1:2). Creation came forth from this movement of Spirit. In our individual life, Spirit moves from the center of our being into our human consciousness, through ideas, then into our body and affairs. Our affirmations bring us into conscious contact with God as Principle, and our compliance with God's laws always brings the perfect solution to any problem.

The meaning of the root word for problem is "anything thrown forward" so we see that whatever is "thrown forward, or presented in our outer life as a problem is the result of what is held in our consciousness (thinking and feeling natures) and a change in the outer is only possible when a change is made within. This inner change can be made only by a return in consciousness to Principle, the divine plan of God for our life. In a problem of health, we turn our thoughts toward God as the principle of life, vitality, strength, wholeness; in a problem concerning our finances, we turn to God as the principle of substance, abundance, prosperity; in a problem touching upon our human relationships, we turn to God as the principle of love, harmony, compassion, and understanding.

This "turning to Principle" (God) involves additional action on our part, for it means that we are beginning to use the laws of Truth in the right way. Through denial we erase from our consciousness all that is contrary to Principle. By affirmation we build into our consciousness the ideas that God reveals to us. This leaves the way open for Principle to move through our life in divine order and bring about the solution to any and all of life's problems. We read in our Scriptures:

"Unto thee it was showed, that thou mightest know that Jehovah he is God; there is none else besides him" (Deut. 4:35).

Our whole life becomes based on the fundamental teaching that God, as Principle, is the one presence and the one power in our existence.

Preceding Entry: Is it wise to commit affirmations to memory?
Following Entry: What is faith? Explain the definition of faith as given in Hebrews 11:1.