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Series 1 - Lesson 1 - Annotation 4

Series 1 - Lesson 1 - Annotation 4

What is the "secret place of the Most High" (Psalms 91:1)?

4. The "secret place of the Most High" is

"a place of meeting between the Christ at the center of your being, and your consciousness — a hidden place into which no outside person can either induct you or enter himself" (Emilie Cady Lessons In Truth 9:6).

The "secret place of the Most High" is the name the Psalmist uses to designate the "place" within our own being where we may retire to feel God's presence and power. It is where the human consciousness merges with the divine consciousness and Spirit meets spirit (the first phase of our threefold nature). The "secret place" is the point at which we are able to silence all limited thoughts and desires that seem to entice us into sin, and acknowledge the supreme Source of our being. We are then able to contemplate our unity, oneness, and sameness with Divine Mind, the Father within.

Anything is "secret" when it is hidden; the "secret place of the Most High" is that which is hidden from all who are not in the "Most High" state of consciousness.

In our metaphysical study we find that the "secret place" can be explained simply as being the Silence, that phase of prayer when God "speaks" and we "listen" to His revelations.

"When we pray in spiritual understanding, this highest realm of man's mind contacts universal, impersonal Mind; the very mind of God is joined to the mind of man. God answers our prayers in ideas, thoughts, words; these are translated into the outer realms, in time and condition" (Charles Fillmore Christian Healing 78).

Preceding Entry: What is true prayer?
Following Entry: What is meant by "enter into thine inner chamber, and . . . shut thy door"(Matt. 6:6)?