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Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 1

Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 1

Explain how Jehovah is the "judge" of all the earth. What is the "earth"?

1. Jehovah, Christ, I AM, is the creative principle in the universe which operates in man's mental realm as his "formative power of thought" that man, as God's son or representative, has been given as his divine heritage. When we think of the word judge we automatically think of law; the judge being one who is invested with authority to try or judge someone or some circumstance. One meaning for judge is "to govern" or "to rule." When we think of Jehovah as judge, we think of the governing power, the ruling principle acting through man's consciousness to form conditions, circumstances, consciousness in the earth. The "earth" means formed substance, that is, consciousness and manifestation. It is the realm of formed things, including the consciousness of man. Jehovah is not only the law of each man's being, but also the law of the species, the law of the rest of creation — the idea or spiritual pattern back of each form. So Jehovah is the "judge," governing, discerning, and evaluating the manner in which the form must grow.

Preceding Entry: What is the difference between desire and will?
Following Entry: Why is Jehovah sometimes regarded as a God of wrath and vengeance, and sometimes as a God of loving-kindness and tender mercy?