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Series 2 - Lesson 12 - Annotation 17

Series 2 - Lesson 12 - Annotation 17

What is the meaning of the prophecy, "All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword"? — Matt. 26:52.

17. This illustrates that what we give out will come back to us. A sword has a meaning of an offensive weapon. Offensive weapons are not confined to things of steel but dwell in the power of an unwise tongue and an untrained mind. If we try to conquer our neighbors or to suppress their ideas by the force of our thoughts and words, we should be willing to accept the return action of such thoughts and words. If we send them thoughts of love that are willing to see the Christ in the other fellow as well as in ourselves, thoughts of love will come back to us multiplied, but if we send out the daggers of hatred, they will come back to us multiplied.

Preceding Entry: Give two Bible prophecies of universal peace.
Following Entry: Explain the first commandment as it was given by Jesus, giving the Scripture quotation and Bible reference.