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Series 2 - Lesson 12 - Annotation 9

Series 2 - Lesson 12 - Annotation 9

What effect do evil thoughts and words have upon man's whole being?

9. Destructive thoughts and words produce distortions of the mind which shows forth as cruelty and injustice and a tendency to tear down the good for which others are striving. Jealousy, envy, hatred, poverty, and various other kinds of wickedness have a way of weaving themselves into the character and lives of those who entertain them. They produce inharmonious conditions in the body and affairs, the outpicturing of the thoughts and feelings of the indivudual.

Preceding Entry: Explain how peace will be fully established upon the earth. Give at least two Bible prophecies (with references) of universal peace.
Following Entry: What is Unity's teaching about vegetarianism?