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Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 20

Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 20

What is the result when spiritual law is given unlimited expression in man's thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and reactions?

20. When spiritual law has unlimited expression through man, the result is that man stands forth a victorious master to whom all good things are possible. We act in a Godlike manner when we are consciously one with God. All the so-called miracles are performed with ease and freedom because we understand our divine nature. These things are perfectly natural then, just as natural as breathing.

When spiritual law is given unlimited expression in our thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, and reacting the result is joy, peace, health, plenty, and happiness, as well as harmony in all the relationships of life. It brings about the restoration of that which the prophets have spoken, when

"The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose" (Isa. 35:1).

* * *

Peace, power, and plenty,
  Words that are heaven-born.
Say them, ye hearts that are weary,
  Till hope in your soul is born.
For words are things that lift on wings
  The one that believes them true,
And whatever you will when the mind is still,
  You may call to the soul of you.
     — Henry Victor Morgan

TruthUnity Note: this poem by Henry Victor Morgan was also quoted by Frances Foulks in Effectual Prayer. Henry Victor Morgan was born in 1865. Henry Morgan was widely known as a metaphysical preacher of the early 20th century. Henry Morgan and his wife published "The Master Christian" from the early 1920s until his wife's death in 1931. After that it was published only intermittently. He was minister to the Church of the Healing Christ in Tacoma, Washington, until 1952. He died in 1952.

Preceding Entry: Describe how you would carry the Word (Logos) to all parts of your body.
Following Entry: Explain the significance of the number twelve as used in the Scriptures.