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Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 8

Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 8

Why is it necessary for man to express divine love in all his words?

8. The very nature of love as the attracting, harmonizing, equalizing, binding (or cementing) idea of Divine Mind requires its inclusion in man's words if he would hope to have them effective. Ignorant use of words makes conditions which are not in harmony with Truth, and body and affairs suffer. When our words do not express love they are incomplete, for the Word of God includes all the attributes of God. In Annotation 3 of this lesson (Series 2 Lesson 6 Annotation 3) the quotation from Twelve Powers of Man 29 referred to all words as being formative, but not necessarily creative. To be creative, all words must include love; then the otherwise perishable human construction becomes an enduring, spiritual, immortal structure. When love is included in our thought-word, it heals, constructs, blesses, and uplifts all to which it is applied. Lack of love In our words means confusion and corruption.

Preceding Entry: Explain fully how this promise is fulfilled: "He shall have whatsoever he saith" (Mark 11:23 A.V.).
Following Entry: What heals a rebellious state of mind?