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Series 2 - Lesson 7 - Annotation 10

Series 2 - Lesson 7 - Annotation 10

What is the effect of praise on man's body? What is the effect on the earth?

10. The effect of praise on man's body is a response from every cell. In the atmosphere of praise each cell builds for youth, strength, and beauty. Back of every cell is the unlimited power of divine intelligence; thus when praised as perfect, the cell responds by getting rid of all that is foreign and imperfect and building according to the divine plan for permanence and eternity. Praise increases the flow of life and energy and makes for perfect bodily functioning. Praise of the body as the "temple of the living God" produces a smooth-running organism.

Praise has a wonderful effect on the earth and on the plants, minerals, animals, birds (even on so-called inanimate objects). The earth and all in it has come forth from and is composed of God life, substance, and intelligence. Praise acknowledges these qualities and speaks to the intelligence in every atom, causing either growth in living things or the needed response from other forms of creation. Machinery has been known to respond instantly to a word (silent or audible) of praise. Praise does away with impatience with tools, with instruments of any kind, so more skill is exercised by the operator. As the artisan lovingly handles tools and materials (gold, silver, cloth, clay, marble, and so forth), he is in effect using the power of praise, and the result is a thing of beauty and precision.

Praise is voicing the all-powerful Word: it calls out of man, out of all creation, the inherent God qualities.

Preceding Entry: Define praise and show why it must be active in the life of every man.
Following Entry: Why is it unwise to seek light and help from mediums or fortune tellers?