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Series 2 - Lesson 8 - Annotation 17

Series 2 - Lesson 8 - Annotation 17

What is the Christ righteousness?

17. The Christ righteousness is the immanent quality of divinity that man inherits as a Son of God, it is man's true nature inherited from his divine Father. The Christ righteousness is "inwrought righteousness." This means that all the qualities of the Fatherlight, life, love, peace, joy, plenty, purity, holiness, goodness, and so forth, are involved in the Son, man, as his divine right, and are nothing for which he has to "work" to attain, except that he must attain in his consciousness the purity and holiness of this indwelling Christ if he is to become in manifestation what God ideated him to be.

Preceding Entry: What is the basis for man's faith in himself?
Following Entry: How is the Christ righteousness established in man's consciousness?