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Unity Metaphysics: 15 Christ in You

Unity Metaphysics 1 (Tan Book)
15 Christ in You

Unity Metaphysics (Tan) Book 1 Cover


"The Christian who thinks he is saved when he has been 'converted' will find that his salvation has just begun. Conversion and 'change of heart' are real experiences, as anyone who has passed through them will testify, but they are merely introductory to the new life in Christ. When a person arrives at a certain exalted consciousness through the exercise of his mind in thinking about God and His laws, he is lifted above the thoughts of the world into a heavenly realm. This is the beginning of his entry into the Kingdom of the Heavens, which was the text of many of Jesus' discourses." (Teach Us To Pray 163)

Just as Unity views resurrection as an ongoing process, it also sees salvation as a process, rather than a state of "having it made." Unity does not use the word salvation much, mainly because it carries a connotation that is not compatible with metaphysical thinking. But in another sense, salvation is a valid concern of metaphysical Christianity. The old statement that "Jesus saves" is correct on the metaphysical level. "Jesus saves us from hell" is also correct. Jesus is the living symbol of awakened spiritual awareness. The words of Jesus constitute what we call Truth. Hell is the biblical symbol for useless, unnecessary suffering. Spiritual awareness (Jesus) guides us into Truth, and following the Truth saves us from repeated useless, unnecessary suffering (hell).


"'God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have eternal life.' This does not mean that a personal man, named Jesus of Nazareth, was sent forth as a special propitiation for the sins of the world, or that the only available route into the Father's presence lies through such a person. It simply means that God has provided a way by which all men may come consciously into His presence in their own souls. That way is through the only begotten Son of God, the Christ consciousness, which Jesus demonstrated. This consciousness is the always present Son of the Father, dwelling as a spiritual seed in each of us and ready to germinate and grow at our will." (The Twelve Powers of Man 118)

Christ consciousness is the name of the evolutionary goal for the present human family on earth. The term itself is hard to define or explain, and we often end up repeating words like Christ, divine, and perfect. So rather than attempt an intellectually satisfying explanation of it, we urge Truth students to let their intuition give them a "feel" for this term. Mr. Fillmore helpfully reminds us that in our present state of consciousness, the only begotten Son (Christ) is still in the seed stage in most of us. We are still working to germinate that seed. Most of us are still far from being able to express the Christ to any degree of fullness. But right now our direction is the most important thing. Greater wonders will come later!


"The mind of each individual may be consciously unified with Divine Mind through the indwelling Christ. By affirming at-one-ment with God-Mind, we eventually realize the perfect mind which was in Christ Jesus." (Keep a True Lent 178)

"One of the laws of mind is that man becomes like that with which he identifies himself. Christ is the one perfect pattern... Each should, therefore, be wise and identify himself with the Christ." (Keep a True Lent 180)

"Christ Mind" and "Divine Mind" are the same in essence, but there is a difference as to how the terms are used. We speak of Divine Mind to describe God and the universe and all that is in the universe. That portion of Divine Mind that indwells us is Christ Mind. Identifying with the Christ simply means that we connect our sense of I am with the great composite of all divine ideas—THE CHRIST.


"Evolution is the result of the development of ideas in mind. What we are now is the result of the evolution of our consciousness, and our consciousness is the result of the seed ideas sown in our mind. Therefore spiritual evolution is the unfoldment of the spirit of God into expression. It is the development achieved by man working under spiritual law." (Keep a True Lent 165)

"In plain, everyday language, we would say that Being, the original fount, is an impersonal principle; but in its work of creation it puts forth the idea that contains all ideas: The Logos, the Christ, the Son of God, spiritual man. This idea is the creative power, the concrete consciousness formulated by universal principle." (Teach Us To Pray 168)

The second paragraph above contains what is perhaps Charles Fillmore's clearest definition of the Christ. He states, "Being (God) puts forth THE IDEA THAT CONTAINS ALL IDEAS: the Logos, the Christ, the Son of God, spiritual man. This IDEA is the creative power..." The phrase "idea that contains all ideas" is an important key to understanding the meaning of Christ.


"When it dawns upon man that he has within him the primal spiritual spark of God, the living Word or Logos, and that through the Word he is identified with the original Mind, he has the key to infinite soul unfoldment. Even though a person does not at first have this higher revelation of his sonship and unity with creative Mind, the assumption helps him to bring it to realization." (Jesus Christ Heals 144)

As he does in so many other spiritual matters, Charles Fillmore sees soul unfoldment as an ongoing process. In this paragraph he goes so far as to refer to "infinite soul unfoldment." We cannot be certain whether or not the soul will unfold "infinitely," but for the time being we can feel safe in saying that our soul will continue to unfold indefinitely.


"The relation of head and heart is illustrated in the lives of John the Baptist and Jesus. They were cousins; the understanding of the head bears a close relation to the wisdom of the heart. They both received the baptism of Spirit, John preceding Jesus and baptizing Him. Here the natural order of spiritual illumination is illustrated. Man receives first an intellectual understanding of Truth which he transmits to his heart, where love is awakened." (The Twelve Powers of Man 90)

"This is the first and the second coming of Christ, spoken of in the Scriptures. The first coming is the receiving of Truth into the conscious mind, and the second coming is the awakening and the regeneration of the subconscious mind through the superconscious of the Christ Mind." (The Twelve Powers of Man 15)

In his very accurate interpretation of the metaphysical significance of the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus, Mr. Fillmore is careful to point out the importance of observing the proper sequence of orderly progress. He places intellectual understanding (John) as a prerequisite to spiritual illumination and power (Jesus). Under divine order certain preliminary things must be taken care of before the greater inflow of power occurs. This is the symbolism of John the Baptist being the "forerunner" of Jesus, but always acknowledging Jesus as being greater than himself.


"Step by step, thought added to thought, spiritual emotion added to spiritual emotion—eventually the transformation is complete. It does not come in a day, but every high impulse, every pure thought, every upward desire adds to the exaltation and gradual personification of the divine in man and to the transformation of the human. The 'old man' is constantly brought into subjection, and his deeds forever put off, as the 'new man' appears arrayed in the vestments of divine consciousness." (Atom-Smashing Power of Mind 124)

This paragraph is a further elaboration by Mr. Fillmore on the ideas concerning the "New Man." The process he describes is depicted metaphysically in the Bible as the journey through spiritual evolution from Adam to Christ.


"It is no idle experiment, this keeping in mind the words of Jesus. It is a very momentous undertaking, and may mark the most important period in the life of an individual. There must be sincerity and earnestness and right motive, and withal a determination to understand the spiritual import. This requires attention, time, and patience in the application of the mind to solving the deeper meanings of the sayings that we are urged to keep." (Talks on Truth 174)

"This means mental discipline day after day and night after night, until the inertia of the mind is overcome and the way is opened for the descent of Spirit." (Talks on Truth 177)

The Christ Life is a way of referring to a human being who has somehow made a serious commitment to Spirit. More specifically, it describes a commitment to things spiritual contained within the teachings of Jesus. Such a commitment is indeed a very serious thing and must be taken seriously. But if we are sincere in making such a commitment, and if we are faithful in our efforts to maintain it, great and wonderful things will result. One of the most beautiful and wonderful things that happens is that our lives immediately come under new and higher aspects of the law of mind action. Two of the main aspects of this law which become apparent are God's divine guidance and God's divine protection. These two aspects become the overseeing factor in every part of our existence.

Transcribed by Sheri Owen on August 13, 2015.

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