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The Bright Side Podcast with Bernard Dozier

Episode 14: God Voided the Void

Bernard Dozier The Bright Side blog and podcast

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God Voided the Void

By Bernard Dozier

The soul is the individualized expression of God. It is never without its lifeline to Spirit, but there are times when it seems alone, isolated, powerless, impoverished, and without hope.

What do we do when it seems that the world seems empty and void of the single thing or the many things we’re feeling desperate to have?’

When the demands on us seem infinitely grave and the supply seems to have dried up, what do we do?

We don’t give in! We give UP, but with a twist: We give upwards. We give Godward. But what on earth do we give? What do we possibly have to give?

We always give to God of our abundance! And what do we have an abundance of? Of hopelessnes. Futility. Our sense of lack. Helplessness. Insufficiency.

We have a great burden of anger and fear and frustration. Give that to God. We give any sense of isolation and weakness. Give to God all the ungodly stuff that we feel churning around inside. Give God our disturbed and unsettled emotions.

Most important of all, give any feeling that you’re being punished for something--anything--everything. The God who is really God has never been in the punishment business.

Then, don’t be surprised as if the blinders have dropped away from your inner eyes. Because as we give away all that’s been blocking our spiritual vision we begin to see light, potential, and possibilities that have been there all along...been there forever.


Yes! Because the only void that ever existed was converted to a cosmic cornucopia by God’s “Let there be.”

What would you let be?