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The Bright Side Podcast with Bernard Dozier

Episode 3—Eternity's Doorstep

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Eternity's Doorstep

By Bernard Dozier

Let’s think about Eternity’s Doorstep...

Dale Carnegie said something really good. He said, “Today is life--the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today.”

Eternity is a far-off sounding concept, and seems impossibly distant and remote from where we are in TODAY. But Today isn’t on the minus side of Zero in importance.

Today is part of Eternity. One of the biggest mistakes we can make is thinking that Eternity is far-removed from Time and from today.

When I was growing up people thought they had to die before they could enter Eternity, and it took me years to outgrow that-- and come to realize that right now - Today- we’re right in the middle of Eternity. We don’t have to go to Eternity...Eternity embraces us in the ever-present NOW.

Today we take delivery of a tiny portion of Eternity.

What we think about today, what our attitude is today, what we feel about life, and what we do about it, is preparation for Eternity. Eternity becomes known to us through our mind, and we can only know as much about Eternity as our minds choose to encompass.

We know if we go to a casino and put quarters into a machine, it may give us some quarters back, but that isn’t guaranteed. But what we put into Eternity today is guaranteed to come back to us “pressed down, shaken together, and running over.” That’s Spirit’s insurance program...and it’s designed to bless and bene- fit us. So, if we know what’s good for us, we will put into our life some of what we want to see coming back to us.

In the early days of personal computing the term, “GIGO,” was used a lot--”Garbage in--garbage out.” Programmers still know that’s true of every computer. And we know it’s true of LIFE. No one in their right mind will put garbage in today, expecting to reap heavenly rewards forever.

Put your best into today. Put the best into your mind and body. Put the best into your relationships and your work. Put your best into your prayers and expectations. Look for the good, and praise it until it appears.

Jesus surely realized that Today is the only entrance into Eternity, and that if we want to encounter and enjoy treasure and pleasure eternally, we fill everybody’s days with treasure and pleasure.

Jesus was no trickster, but this has its tricky and humorous side, be- cause if we are presently filling our days--and the days of others-- with treasure and pleasure, we’re already doing what we’d be doing in Heaven--right here on Earth. And we’re doing it TODAY.