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The Bright Side Podcast with Bernard Dozier

Episode 7—Living With Invisibility

Bernard Dozier The Bright Side blog and podcast

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Living With Invisibility

By Bernard Dozier

One of the first...and one of the best... writers of what we call Science Fiction was H. G. Wells. In 1897 Wells created quite a stir with his novel, The Invisible Man.

People have been so fascinated with the idea of an invisible human that the novel was made into a movie several times, and yet another re-make is due in theaters in March 2020.

It’s hard to know when and how humans began to conceive of invisibility. It must have taken a giant leap in consciousness to do so, because living in this Third Dimension comes close to requiring us to be materialists...and to only believe as much as our five senses tell you.

The gods and goddesses that people worshiped in ancient times must have been invisible, but they were believed to be attached to or to inhabit natural objects or heavenly bodies.or shelters such as the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy of Holies. .

Jesus believed that physical humans were the dwelling places of an invisible Spirit who loved everyone like a Father loves his child.

It took the invention of the telescope and microscope to make people realize there was a lot going on in areas that were invisible to the naked eye.

It probably shouldn’t amaze us—but it does—that the visible realm is embraced, supported, and pervaded by an invisible realm of ideas and spiritual principles.

We’re so mesmerized by materiality that it may come as a shock to realize that we spend our entire lifetimes cloaked by invisibility. Part of us becomes visible when we’re born, but our interior life—the mental or mind side of us—is always invisible, and the only way to know what’s been going on in our mind is to try to figure it out by what we say and do.

The soul of us is of the spiritual realm and is never visible on the Third Dimension. As well as we know someone, and as much as we love them, their soul remains invisible to us.

It’s the same with God or Spirit. We see evidences of God, but God remains the invisible Spirit of Life and Love and Light and Goodness from which all tangible blessings derive.

The world is a nice place to visit, but it’s not our home. We are at home in Invisibility, and when we want something good we get still and think invisible thoughts about it.

Our invisible thought begins to work with invisible ideas and possibilities, and before long the very thing we thought about and prayed about becomes visible and tangible. And Jesus assured us that whatsoever things we desire are there in Invisibility waiting for us to want them.