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Male and Female Created (Rabel)

This is a series of lectures given by Mr. Edward Rabel, member of the faculty of S.M.R.S.
Fall semester 1975 - 2nd. Yr. Class. Part of a lecture given on September 12, 1975

Topic: 7
Gen. 1:27-31 and 2:18, pp.21-24 of transcript.

Male and Female Created

Creation is God as creator bringing forth creative principle, activity, and in Genesis it is dealing with only that aspect of creation which pertains to mankind in this planetary system. It’s not talking about creation in the abstract, timeless, spaceless, every-whereness type of creation. We can’t deal with that, it’s too big. But creation as it zeroes in on us, the human family, in this planetary system, on this particular evolutionary life wave, also. In other words, where am I trying to direct your attention more and more toward? Home. Us.

Never mind about imaginary beings in the tenth galaxy out of Zoroaster. That’s not what Jesus Christ was all about. Ours is all about us, and so that’s where we keep these teachings oriented; however, these truth principles, on which these teachings are based, in the absolute are cosmic, are universal, are omnipresent, but the specifics of them are pertaining to us and related to us; and if you keep that in mind, then your intellect and your imagination won’t run away with you, as they will sometimes do if you try to deal too much in abstractions and absolutes. This, I think, will become more clear to you as we go along, and in the case of Jesus Christ, we will have beautiful perfected examples of the thing I am now talking about.

We are now dealing with The Divine Idea of Man, man as he is in our family, first as an idea in the mind of God, spiritual, perfect being, the only begotten Son of God. God can only have how many ideas of a totally perfect man? One. Do you all see the logic of that? There can only be one idea of a totally perfect man; if there are two ideas of a totally perfect man, then one of those ideas must be not as perfect. Therefore, the term “only begotten son” is legitimate; metaphysically it is correct. There can be only one totally perfect idea of man in God’s mind, of a man perfect for this mode of existence.

I hope you don’t think I’m being ridiculous for hammering at this, because in the past classes we have had students who have been very much concerned about what men in other galaxy, galaxy, galaxies, who might not have two legs; and I could be very vulgar at some other ideas they have had, but I won’t. But why worry about whether the mango crop is going to succeed or fail this year when your diet is roast beef and potatoes? So we are concerned about man in our family, our destiny because that’s where God has placed us; and that is why in Lessons in Truth Dr. Cady is so adamant about how you don’t really get going in spiritual understanding until you come to yourself first. Until you come to yourself, first, you don’t really get anywhere. You fly off into space all the time, and this is not the purpose of training in metaphysical truth. So we are dealing, now, with the one and only, the totally perfect idea of man fit for this kind of universe and existence in the mind of God.

And Elohim said, which is poor, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, then dominion over all the factors of creativity. God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female, created He them.”

Do you think that this is talking about the division of the gender sexes in the bodies and genes? No, of course not. It is describing, metaphysically, the two-fold aspect of all the creative ingredients. All of the powers can be expressed, and first of all have a character which is and can be expressed, in the mode of both male and female.

Here I want to clear up a minor misunderstanding. In the past it has been taught that we have certain male qualities and female qualities, and so this has led students to want to know which of the twelve powers are male and which of the twelve are female; and a lot of students have burned up hours and hours of fruitless time in trying to figure that out. All twelve powers are both male and female. That is, each of your twelve powers can be known by you and expressed by you in the male mode or by the female mode: that is, you can express any or all of your twelve powers through your thinking and through your feeling, or through your thinking or feeling, or both.

Both thinking and feeling together is called knowing or realizing, and that’s the ideal, isn’t it. Rather than just think love or feel love, you do both, and you are loving; you are realizing love and expressing it in its perfect balance, in its perfect polarity, male and female. I know I love you, and I feel I love you; that’s the way you want to be loved, isn’t it, because that’s the perfect blending of the male and female. It is not good that man shall be alone, which means it is not good to just think these things, to think the creative powers you have. He must have a help-meet, and the help-meet is the woman or the feeling. You can express any or all of your twelve powers; that is your creativity, you understand that, folks? When I use the word creativity, that’s what it is — the twelve powers. What they add up to is more than the sum total of—what do they add up to? The Christ. And yet the Christ is more than the sum total of the twelve powers. Can your mind take that? Good, then you’re sane. This is a paradox, that your twelve powers add up to your Christ nature, yet your Christ nature is greater than the sum total of your twelve powers.

Now, another thing I want to bring up is that the male means objectively, and female means subjectively, thinking, feeling. Now, that’s also true of your mode of expression of your twelve powers. You can express love objectively by loving; you can express love subjectively by receiving it, by being willing to be loved. Oh, dear, I’ve lost some of you. Do you all know what the words objectively and subjectively mean?

Okay. And the female means subjective; does this mean all female persons are subjective persons? No. We’re talking about qualities as used in the book of Genesis, symbolically. Any of your twelve powers can be expressed in a male manner or a female manner, or both at the same time. And I zero in on love; that is, you express love in the male manner, the objective manner by objectifying it, projecting it, bestowing it, giving it. And then there is a female manner of expressing love; which is to let yourself be loved. Sometimes I make these brilliant statements, and they have just fallen so flat. I think it’s you.

Q. When we think love intellectually, is that the male quality? Because if I am loving you, I am feeling too.

A. That is male and female.

Q. If I understand love with the intellect, I’m using the male part?

A. You’re expressing it and dealing with it in its male aspect.

Q. But if I’m loving you, I may be loving you with feeling too.

A. Right. Then it’s male and female. And that’s perfect love; that’s the right kind. There are times, although, when one or the other is appropriate. For instance, let’s say you’re in a classroom in the twelve powers of man, and we’re just not dealing with theory and material; and then we deal with love as an idea, as a teaching thing. Then we’re dealing with it almost entirely, for the most part, in the male. But when you’re in bed making love to your loved one, and you’re just consumed in that emotion of love-making, then you’re dealing with love almost entirely on the female. No matter which of the two partners you are in a body, the male or the female bodies, but they are engaged in a love expression and a love realization almost entirely in a female manner, in the feeling and subjective nature, no matter which part the bodies may take in the sex act. Am I being too risqué?

Q. I can’t understand how you can only think love.

A. About love, you think about love.

Q. It doesn’t seem like that has anything to do with love for me.

A. Well, not for you, but it has something to do with the way in which we can handle the idea of love. You can handle it as a subject for analysis or discussion, you see. That is purely in the male sense, but it’s not good to stay there with it. That doesn’t bear fruit, that just keeps you busy and active; that’s theorizing about love. It’s just like me telling you how to bake a cake; and you actually baking one and giving me a piece, I hope, I hope. There’s all the difference in the world; yet that does not mean that theorizing on the baking of cakes is wrong. There’s a time and a place, but the fulfillment of this theorizing lies in the male and female mode of expression.

The same is true for any of the twelve powers; you can move up and down the list, and you’ll find this is a fascinating field, folks, one that Unity has just begun to really open the pages on. Right now, upstairs, there are four wonderful ministers who’ve come here; and they’re going to meet all day today, and I will join them after this class. We’re formulating a teaching course on the twelve powers of man, a five hour presentation to take out in the field and teach in teams, and the ministers and teachers have to take this course in order to earn the credits to make them eligible to continue taking credit classes. Now that’s a giant step forward. Five years ago you couldn’t have gotten them to touch the twelve powers of man with a ten-foot pole. You see how things change, how they evolve, because we’re all learning and growing with open minds.

Another thing is, from now on in this course, any time the word wholeness is brought up, connect it not with the human body and its various physical parts, but the soul and the spirit or the being of a person, which makes him whole, which makes him totally a Son of God, the twelve powers and the Christ, which is the sum total and more of the twelve powers.

Transcribed by Bill Nelson on 01-12-2015