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Metaphysical meaning of altar (rw)

Metaphysical meaning of altar (rw)
altar--Stabilized place of worship. A fixed, definite center in consciousness; the place in consciousness where we meet the Lord and are willing to give up our sins, to give up the lower for the higher, the personal for the impersonal.

The altar mentioned in Rev. 11:1 symbolizes the consciousness of full consecration that takes place first in the temple of worship within: "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service" (Rom. 12:1).

altar, brazen, of temple worship--Represents the generative life.

altar, golden, of incense--Symbolizes the establishing of permanent resolutions of purity and covenants with the higher law of obedience, although it may entail daily sacrifice. (This applies to the altar of the burnt offerings also.)

altar, to an unknown God--A yearning to know the unrevealed Spirit and a reaching out for a fuller realization of its source.

Preceding Entry: Alpha and Omega
Following Entry: alternate between good and evil