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Lessons In Truth - Lesson 7 - Annotation 10

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 7 - Annotation 10

Are you necessary to God? Explain.

10. Yes, each of us is necessary to God. We cannot conceive of God as Creator bringing forth any part of creation without a purpose. Certainly the being He created in His own image and after His own likeness must have a very lofty purpose.

"There can be no logical doubt that an all-wise and all-powerful Creator would plan perfection for His creations and also endow them with the ability to bring His plan into manifestation. That is the status of our world and its people. We are God's ideal conception of His perfect man, and He has given us the power of thought and word through which to make that ideal manifest" (Jesus Christ Heals 16).

The spiritual ideas that are inherent in God as Divine Mind are also inherent in us as our divine inheritance. They make up the divine "blueprint" we are to follow in building our outer life so that we may fulfill the purpose for which we were created -- to express the nature of God. One's station in life does not indicate his relationship to God, for all are His beloved sons, and each has his own special place to fill and his own special way of expression in order to accomplish the plan of creation for him.

We must respect our own worth in building and expressing the spiritual qualities, for no one else has exactly the same capacity for expressing and manifesting ideas. Our work is to act from the standpoint of our own divine sonship, at the same time remembering that this is true of our fellow man.

"God is important to us, and we are important to God, for we are His conscious expression. . . . Our purpose in life is not just to live, not just to rear a family, not just to be a banker, a doctor, a lawyer, a storekeeper, or a business man. These are all secondary purposes. The first purpose for which God created us is to express Him, to develop our spiritual character. When we become aware of this primary purpose, then we can put something real and alive and useful into our secondary purposes, and become successful men and women" (Dare to Believe! 172, 173).

As we dedicate ourselves to the Father's work, we become a symbol of His heart through which humanity feels love; a symbol of His mind through which wisdom and intelligence are made active; a symbol of His hands through which all our fellow men become aware of the blessings of God.

In a poem by James Dillet Freeman this same thought is given to us:

"Sometimes I know that I am in God's heart;
Sometimes I feel alone,
But always when my thoughts and I grow still
I know that I am part
Of Being, and I serve a kindlier will
And have a larger purpose than my own;
Somehow I sense
Through all the mischance of my life's events
The working out of good I never planned --
I must be in God's heart, being in His hand."
(Be! 31)

Preceding Entry: What is meant by the "still small voice" (I Kings 19:12)?
Following Entry: What is spiritual understanding, and how is it attained? How did Peter know that Jesus was the Christ?